Saturday, January 25, 2014

Translating Dead Poets: Sylvia Plath's "Sheep In Fog" 霧中之羊: 譯讀普拉絲

Sheep In Fog  |  霧中之羊

The hills step off into whiteness.  |  山陵移步悄入白色。
People or stars   |   人們或星星
Regard me sadly, I disappoint them.  |  憂傷地注視我: 我令他們失望。

The train leaves a line of breath.  |  火車遺下一綫氣息。
O slow  |  哦,慢著,
Horse the colour of rust,   |  鉄銹色的馬兒,

Hooves, dolorous bells ----  |  蹄聲是那哀鈡 —
All morning the  |  整個清晨
Morning has been blackening,   |  清晨都在變黑。

A flower left out.  |   外有遺置花一朵。
My bones hold a stillness, the far  |  我的骨骼含著一种靜態,遠處的
Fields melt my heart.  |  原野融化我的心。

They threaten  |  他們威脅
To let me through to a heaven   |   允許我進入一處天堂
Starless and fatherless, a dark water.  |   沒有星星,沒有父親,一灘黑水。

* Written by Plath on December 2, 1962; revised in January 1963. Original translation.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Translating Dead Poets: Sylvia Plath's "Lady Lazarus" 拉撒路夫人 : 譯讀普拉絲

Lady Lazarus | 拉薩路夫人

I have done it again. | 我又成功了。
One year in every ten |    每十年一次
I manage it - | 我都能做到

A sort of walking miracle, my skin | 活生生的神跡見證:我的皮膚
Bright as a Nazi lampshade, | 闪亮有如纳粹的人皮灯罩;
My right foot | 我的右脚

A paperweight, | 是一塊紙鎮;
My face a featureless, fine | 我的臉毫無特徵,一塊上等
Jew linen. | 猶太亞麻布。

Peel off the napkin | 將這塊餐布剝下,
O my enemy. | 哦,我的敵人。  

Do I terrify? - | 是否嚇著你了? —

The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth? | 我的鼻子,眼洞,整副森森白齒,及

 The sour breath | 這腐酸氣味的呼吸
Will vanish in a day. | 過一天就會蕩然無存。

Soon, soon the flesh | 須臾,須與之間這肉體
The grave cave ate will be | 這副被墓穴吞噬的肉體
At home on me | 會再安居在我身上。

And I a smiling woman. | 而我,我這微笑著的女子,
I am only thirty. | 我僅三十嵗。
And like the cat I have nine times to die. | 如貓一般可以死亡九次。

This is Number Three. | 三次至今

What a trash |  真是廢物

To annihilate each decade. | 每過十年便會毀滅。 

What a million filaments. | 這數以萬計的游絲,
The peanut-crunching crowd | 這群嚼著花生的人們

Shoves in to see | 爭先恐後地擠來看我。

Them unwrap me hand and foot - | 他們將我從頭到腳剝個精光

The big strip tease. | 一場巨型脫衣舞會。
Gentlemen, ladies | 先生們,女士們,

These are my hands | 此處是我的手、
My knees. | 我的膝蓋

I may be skin and bone, | 雖然只是皮包骨 ,

Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman. | 但依然是如出一撤的那個女子。
The first time it happened I was ten. | 第一次發生時,我僅十歲。
It was an accident. | 那只是意外。

The second time I meant | 第二次我有意
To last it out and not come back at all. |   讓它無期延續,從此不再歸來。

I rocked shut | 我緊閉著搖動,

As a seashell. | 像一只海蚌。
They had to call and call | 他們只能千呼万喚,
And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls. | 把一條條蚯蚓如黏糊的珍珠一樣從我身上挑走。

Dying | 死亡
Is an art, like everything else. | 是一種藝術,和世間一切事物一般。
I do it exceptionally well. | 我尤其擅長。

I do it so it feels like hell. | 我如此這般只是爲了感受地獄。
I do it so it feels real. | 我如此這般只是爲了感受真切。
I guess you could say I've a call. | 或許我只是聽到了某種召喚。

It's easy enough to do it in a cell. | 在牢房中尋死,談何容易。
It's easy enough to do it and stay put. |  尋死之後靜靜不動,又是談何容易。

It's the theatrical | 可是,這戲劇性的

Comeback in broad day | 光天化日之下的歸來,
To the same place, the same face, the same brute | 那舊地,舊人,獸性依舊,
Amused shout: | 情不自禁地叫出:

'A miracle!' | “奇跡!”
That knocks me out. |
— 這才讓我死去活來。
There is a charge | 請繳費:

For the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge |  如要目觀我的傷疤,請繳費:

For the hearing of my heart - | 如要耳聼我的心跳
It really goes. | 它真的還在跳動。

And there is a charge, a very large charge | 請繳費: 請繳一筆不菲的費用,

For a word or a touch | 如果你想聼我説話,想摸我一下,
Or a bit of blood | 或是想見血。

Or a piece of my hair or my clothes. | 又或是想要我的一絲頭髮,我的一角衣衫。
So, so, Herr Doktor. |  就這樣吧 ,醫生君。

So, Herr Enemy. | 就這樣吧,敵人君。

I am your opus, | 我是你們的樂曲。
I am your valuable, | 我是你們的值錢貨。
The pure gold baby | 那純金寶貝,

That melts to a shriek. | 熔煉出一聲慘叫。
I turn and burn. | 我在燃燒中輾轉反側。
Do not think I underestimate your great concern. | 可別以爲我低估了你們偉大的關懷。

Ash, ash - | 對著骨灰 —
You poke and stir. | 你們反復戳撥。
Flesh, bone, there is nothing there - | 除了骨頭,肌肉,別無他物 —

A cake of soap, | 一塊肥皂, 

A wedding ring, | 一只婚戒,
A gold filling. | 一顆金牙。

Herr God, Herr Lucifer | 上帝君,魔鬼君,

Beware | 警戒,
Beware. | 警戒。

Out of the ash | 從灰燼中
I rise with my red hair |  紅髮的我冉冉升起 ,
And I eat men like air. | 吃人如同呼吸空氣。

*Written in 1962, published posthumously in Ariel in 1965. Original translation.