Thursday, April 10, 2014

Translating Dead Poets: Sylvia Plath's "The Couriers" "信使" : 譯讀普拉斯

The Couriers  |   信使

The word of a snail on the plate of a leaf?   |      蝸牛的字寫在樹葉的碟子上?
It is not mine. Do not accept it.   |   這不是我的。別收下它。

Acetic acid in a sealed tin?   |        醋酸密封在錫罐裏頭?
Do not accept it. It is not genuine.   |        別收下它。它不純粹。

A ring of gold with the sun in it?   |      圈住了陽光的金指環?
Lies. Lies and a grief.     |       謊言。謊言和一種哀愁。

Frost on a leaf, the immaculate    |       樹葉打了霜;  潔白無瑕的
Cauldron, talking and crackling |     大鼎說著話,噼啪著,

All to itself on the top of each |    在那九座黑色的阿爾匹斯頂峰上依次

Of nine black Alps. |     自言自語。

A disturbance in mirrors, |   如鏡子中的一場動亂,
The sea shattering its grey one ----  
|    海洋在破裂那灰色 -----
Love, love, my season.  
|     去愛吧,愛吧,我的季節。 

*Dated Nov. 4, 1962. Original translation.

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